Derek Nurse (ed.): Historical Language Contact in Africa [PDF]


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SUGIA Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika 16/17

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598 pp.
16 maps, 21 tables, 15 figures, 3 diagrams, numerous wordlists

Text language: English


Herman M. Batibo / Franz Rottland: The Adoption of Datooga Loanwords in Sukuma and its Historical Implications
Bruce Connell: The Role of Language Contact in the Development of Usaghade
Gerrit J. Dimmendaal: Language Shift and Morphological Convergence in the Nilotic Area
Christopher Ehret: The Establishment of Iron-Working in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa – Linguistic Inferences on Technological History
André Mwamba Kapanga: A Socio-Historical Linguistic Approach to the Study of Shaba Swahili – Recreating the Parent Language
Roland Kiessling: The Integration of Bantu Loans into Burunge (Southern Cushitic)
Ulrich Kleinewillinghöfer: Jalaa – an Almost Forgotten Language of Northeastern Nigeria. A Language Isolate?
Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu: The “Mande Loan Element in Twi” Revisited
Maarten Mous: Ma’a as an Ethno-Register of Mbugu
Deo S. Ngonyani: The Evolution of Tanzanian Ngoni
Nina Pawlak: Diachronic Typology of Locative Phrases in Chadic
Russell G. Schuh: Shira, Teshena, Auyo – Hausa’s (Former) Eastern Neighbors
Anthony Traill: Structural Typology and Remote Relationships between Zhu and !Xoo [!Xóõ]
Benji Wald: Substratal and Superstratal Influences on the Evolution of Swahili Syntax – Central East Coast Bantu and Arabic
H. Ekkehard Wolff / Ousseina Alidou: On the Non-Linear Ancestry of Tasawaq (Niger), or: How “Mixed” Can a Language Be?
Christopher Wrigley: Frontier Linguistics in Uganda

Under these links you will find publications by the contributors and further studies of sociolinguistics and (historical) language contact in Africa:

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