Rose-Juliet Anyanwu (ed.): Transitivity in African Languages [PDF]


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FAB Frankfurt African Studies Bulletin 26

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183 pp.
1 diagram, 7 tables, numerous charts

Text language: English


Rose-Juliet Anyanwu: Preface
Rose-Juliet Anyanwu: Inherent complements and transitivity in five Benue-Congo languages
Denis Creissels / Djibril Dramé: Transitivity and incorporation in Soninke
Anne-Maria Fehn: Transitivity in Ts’ixa – With special reference to semantically ditransitive constructions
Raimund Kastenholz: Tonal contrast and transitivity in Pere verbs
Lutz Marten / Maarten Mous: Non-valency-changing valency-changing derivations
Tatiana Nikitina: Transitivity in Wan – An overview of constructions and verb classes
Gerrit J. Dimmendaal / Gertrud Schneider-Blum: Transitivity in Tima
John R. Watters: The expression of valency changes in Ekoid-Mbe
Georg Ziegelmeyer: A note on transitivity in Gashua Bade

Under these links you will find publications of the contributors and further studies of transitivity in African languages:

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