Debie LeBeau: Dealing with Disorder – Traditional and Western Medicine in Katutura (Namibia) [PDF]


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NAS Namibian African Studies Volume 6

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XVII, 301 pp.
3 maps, 13 b/w photos, 49 tables, numerous charts, appendix

Text language: English

The present study points out the traditional and western Public Health in the Namibian township Katutura near Windhoek. Because of its multiculturality and the disposability of both western and of diverse traditional methods of treatment, the author has the possibility to carry out comparative investigations.

Based on her dissertation (2000, PhD thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown / Republic of South Africa) and the corresponding field studies, Debie LeBeau works out qualitative and quantitative sources in her work. Apart from western medical scientists and traditional healers also several patients acted as her informants which reported their experiences with both health systems.

The book contains a detailed description of the socio-cultural background of Katutura and Namibia and examines thoroughly both the behaviour of the patient against the two possible health systems and the social and spiritual background of the deseases.

In the extensive appendices the methods of research are described, seven traditional healers are introduced, an interview with inhabitants of Katutura is documented and case studies about the application of traditional medicine are presented.

Under these links you will find further studies of traditional healing in Africa and Asia, as well as descriptions of the conceptualization of health, nature, landscape and environment in African languages and cultures:

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